Gender and demographic dividends
The Senegal team has played a vital role in bringing the issue of unpaid care work to a larger audience in Africa. In particular, the Senegal CWW team was able to make gender and unpaid care work part of the discussion during the African Union's "Year of Harnessing the Demographic Dividend" in 2017. As the AU establishes Demographic Dividend Observatories in countries throughout Africa, CWW-affiliated researchers emphasize the need to collect the data necessary to incorporate a gender perspective and gender data into the research and monitoring plans.
For Senegal CWW results in particular, the research demonstrated how gender-segregated unpaid care work is in that country and how it can create barriers to women's participation in market work and girls' and young women's access to education.
Since 2020, the Senegal team at CREG has been part of coordinating activities at several additional countries in the region - Togo, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali.